At Atlan, we believe that you are the owner of your growth path. Take ownership of your growth and ask for feedback whenever you think you need it, and give feedback whenever you think it can help someone grow. The more proactive you are about it, the better it is for you.

Every quarter, each team member gets a quarterly performance rating from their leader/mentor who rate on the basis of merit, achievement towards outcomes and other aspects mutually discussed between employee and their leader. This rating is shared with the team member via their ikigai plan or Keka, our payroll management software.

Leaders will try to ensure that every full-time team member gets formal feedback at least once every quarter. This meeting is also a great way to understand the company’s expectations from you and how you are performing against them. There can be times when the company's leaders might miss setting up a quarterly check-in. Our leadership is still heavily involved in execution, so it is likely that the business needs take priority. However, feel free to reach out to them to set up a time and request formal feedback.

At Atlan, leaders will always strive to see how you can improve, learn, grow and achieve your ikigai much beyond performance ratings. Your leaders and mentors are committed to ensuring that you are maximizing your performance and will always steer you in the right direction, beyond just rating your performance.